Education & Training
- Fellow, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS)
- Resident, Mayo Clinic, Neurology
- Internship, Mercy Hospital of Pittsburgh, Internal Medicine
- MD, Dartmouth Medical School
- BA, Case Western Reserve University, Biology
Board Certifications
- Neurology
Professional Organization Memberships
- American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, Diplomat
- Infectious Diseases Society of America
- American Academy of Neurology
- International Liasion
- Delegate, AAN Science Committee
- Member, Neuro-Infectious Diseases Section
- American Society for tropical Medicine and Hygiene
- Vaccine Healthcare Center, U.S. Department of Defense, Consultant
- Manuscript Reviewer: Journal of the American Medical Association; Clinical Infectious Diseases; Journal of Infectious Diseases; Emerging Infectious Diseases; Neurology; Annals of Neurology; Archives of Neurology; International Journal of Epidemiology; AJNR: American Journal of Neuroradiology; American Journal of Toxicology
- Assistant Editor: The Lancet Neurology
- Abstract Reviewer: Section of Neuro-Infectious Diseases, American Academy of Neurology
- Consultant and Advisor, Collaborative Antiviral Study Group
- Associate Faculty Reviewer, Faculty of 1000 Medicine
- Member, Editorial Board, Lancet Neurology
Honors & Awards
- Nominee, Charles C. Shepard Science Award, PLoS One 2013, 2014
- Charles C. Shepard Science Award, PLoS One 2010, 2011
- Director's Recognition Award, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, 2011
- Letter of Appreciation, Texas Department of State Health Services, Investigation of Cluster of Unexplained Deaths and Illnesses, 2007
- Certificate of Appreciation, Yellow Fever Vaccine Safety Team, Division of Global Migration and Quarantine, CDC, 2006
- Honor Award, National Center for Infectious Diseases, CDC, Response to West Nile Virus, 2005
- Letter of Appreciation, Federal Emergency Management Agency and the New York State Emergency Management Office, September 11 Word Trade Center Response, 2022
- Honor Award, Program Operations, Florida and North Carolina Anthrax Investigations Teams, NCID, CDC, 2022
- Honor Award, Contributions to Health and Safety, Anthrax Efficacy, Adverse Events and Adherence, NCID, CDC, 2022
- PHS Crisis Response Service Award, World Trade Center Response Team, 2001