The Department of Neurology and the UPMC Stroke Institute are proud to serve as a Regional Coordinating Center for the NIH StrokeNet clinical trials research network.
The goal of NIH StrokeNet is to maximize efficiencies to develop, promote and conduct high-quality, multi-site and multidisciplinary clinical trials focused on key interventions in stroke prevention, treatment and recovery with the objective to have a balanced portfolio between all three approaches. The size and scope of the network has grown considerably since its inception in 2013; over 400 hospitals participate in a steady pipeline of funded trials. Since joining NIH StrokeNet as one of the founding coordinating centers, the department of neurology and the UPMC Stroke Institute have significantly contributed to twelve NIH StrokeNet supported trials and enrolled over 150 patients rat multiple sites across our region. Participation StrokeNet provides stroke patients, families and clinicians unique access to a variety of relevant and impactful trials.
The network also supports a dedicated one-year stroke research fellowship. The fellowship is open to trainees from multiple specialties including neurology, neurosurgery, emergency medicine, critical care and rehabilitation medicine. Under the guidance of an experienced faculty mentor, fellows complete a specialized research curriculum utilizing the University of Pittsburgh's and UPMC's resources. The development of a research project tailored the fellow's interest is incorporated into the individualized training plan. Fellows also participate in all NIH StrokeNet advisory committee activities and educational seminars. Early-stage investigators that complete the STN-UP fellowship are well-prepared to develop their careers in academic-clinical research.