Starr Wins "The Extra Mile" Award

Matthew T. Starr

Pittsburgh, April 26, 2022 – Matthew T. Starr, MD, University of Pittsburgh Department of Neurology assistant professor and the Associate Director of the UPMC Stroke Institute, has been awarded the “The Extra Mile” Quarter 1 Award within UPMC Physician Services. The award is designed to recognize a staff member or physician who goes above and beyond in their duties, maintains a high office morale and actively demonstrates UPMC values.

Dr. Starr was nominated by not only one, but six, of his colleagues – they took care to note his impeccable work ethic, proficiency in patient care and general professionalism.

Stephanie Henry, MSN RN: “Dr. Starr is exactly that, a star.  He is a great leader who stepped in and lead his stroke team as Interim Medical Director at Presby during a CSC Survey year!  He was able to lead by example.  He is respectful and empathetic towards his patients and team members.  He listens, acts, and develops a culture of high performance.  He is a clinic role model and is a highly engaged team member.  Overall, Dr. Starr is driven by a sense of purpose, one which focuses on the best patient outcomes while living the UPMC Values.”

Bradley Gross, MD: “Directed Stroke Institute as Interim, always works extra. Always highly professional and a pleasure to work with.”

Raul G. Noguiera, MD: “Dr. Starr went above and beyond his obligations to ensure stroke patients were properly cared for during very difficult times when the Stroke Institute was severely understaffed. Impeccable work ethics and an example of positive attitude that set the tone for the entire team.”

Shyam Majmundar, MD: “Dr. Starr is ready at any time to step in and do the extra work. He never passes work on to the next person and always is ready to help even with his extremely busy schedules.”

Alhamza R. Al-Bayati, MD: “Sincere Genuine talented physician and coworker. Crucial role in stroke institute growth during his role as an interim stroke director”

Kenneth Coval, BSN RN: “Dr Starr is the go-to clinician for the outpatient office.   He is always available and accessible to his patients and the staff alike.  His patient interactions are clear and concise as is the treatment plan.  His patients appreciate this.  He has answered many clinical questions for me as other clinicians are not available.  While assuming new administrative responsibilities he has not compromised patient care or his outpatient responsibilities and consistently goes above and beyond.”

Dr. Starr focuses his clinical and research interests on ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, specializing in cardioembolic and cryptogenic stroke. He is the Director of the Comprehensive Stroke Centers at UPMC PresbyterianUPMC Mercy and Primary Stroke Center at Shadyside where he works with large multidisciplinary groups to provide quality care for patients with ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke.